Important Reminders
To minimize exposure among students, staff, and parents, on campus access for parents, guardians, or visitors during after school care will not be allowed.
Any concerns or questions regarding after school care will be handled by phone, email or appointments. Please call (305) 667-5551 ext:2124 or email cunill@dadeschools.net or wcardenas@dadeschools.net.
Students must be fully registered on FOCUS and payment made to attend the aftercare program.
Health Special Risk insurance must be purchased, and payment receipt attached in FOCUS or emailed to cunill@dadeschools.net. No student can attend aftercare if insurance is not purchased, and receipt is not received.
Parent Handbook Acknowledgment form needs to be signed and emailed to cunill@dadeschools.net.
After school care payments will only be accepted online. No payments will be collected at the school. NO EXCEPTIONS.